“After Peace Boat, I felt drawn back to Australia—the first foreign country that I’d lived
and worked in after college—to pursue a master’s degree in International
Communication. Once again, I learned not to underestimate the power of connections
and what I like to call the ‘small world effect’—the amazing way life seems to have for
bringing people together again in the most unexpected ways and places—even when
doing so seems to defy the odds…
Time and again in my travels, I’ve experienced the uncanny serendipity that often seems
to dictate the paths of many a traveler. On multiple occasions while visiting one country,
by coincidence, I’ve run into an old friend or acquaintance from another country across
the globe. For example, early in my career, I moved to London without a job. As I was
walking down the street, I ran into my old boss from Australia, whom I hadn’t seen in two
years. She had an opening at her new office across the street, and within an hour, I was
gainfully employed!
I’ve met so many people who have experienced similar stories that it inspired me to
launch www.smallworldstories.com where people can share the ‘small world’
coincidences and kind-hearted gestures they’ve experienced first-hand.”